The Heart of Andalusian Culture

Cervantes: Málaga Ah the siren call of Málaga! Here I am, poised on the precipice of adventure, anticipating the jaunt to the sun-drenched climes of southern Spain. The very thought tickles the senses, doesn’t it? The decision to immerse myself in the Spanish language and culture is no small endeavour, let me assure you. It’s akin to deciding to scale Everest, but with fewer frostbitten … Continue reading The Heart of Andalusian Culture

¡Trabajar, descansar y jugar!

Get to know Spain Ah, Spain! A veritable tapestry of cultural richness, natural beauty, and culinary delights that beckons the wanderlust in all of us. Picture this: a country so replete with World Heritage Sites it’s only trumped by one other, a place where nature’s bounty is protected with a fervour matched only by the dedication to its stunning beaches – Spain has more Blue … Continue reading ¡Trabajar, descansar y jugar!

Sumérgete en el español

Unearthing top resources for adult beginners A1/ A2 Are you all set to dive headfirst into the splendid world of language and culture? Whether you’re gearing up for a Spanish-speaking escapade or simply nurturing your language fascination, we’ve got a couple of fantastic resources to share. Let’s delve into the treasures that can pave your way to mastering Spanish! Nurturing Language through Technology Mundo Diverso … Continue reading Sumérgete en el español

A1 level students and future tense

Estudiantes de nivel A1 y tiempo futuro Introduction to the Future Tense Ladies and gentlemen, today we’re delving into the world of the future tense, or as they say in Spanish, el futuro. It’s a linguistic journey that allows us to peer into the crystal ball of language and talk about those events and actions that are yet to unfold. Buckle up, because with this … Continue reading A1 level students and future tense

Building Bridges

Elevate Your Second Language Skills in Spanish Ah, Spanish, the language of passion, fiestas, and the warm embrace of “¡Hola!” echoing through vibrant marketplaces. If you’re on the road to Spanish fluency, welcome aboard! But let’s get one thing straight: learning a new language is like baking a cake. No, really! It requires a dash of routine, a sprinkle of curiosity, and a hearty dollop … Continue reading Building Bridges